Many of the new contracting policies imposed by the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 [pdf] are geared towards increasing oversight of defense contractors and reducing the federal government’s outlay of cash. Here are a few of the highlights.
Drawing the line on FAPIIS
Efforts to increase transparency in federal contracting are well underway. But it’s still not clear exactly how much contractor information will be made public under the new rules, or how they will be interpreted in light of existing laws. We know that FAPIIS is now online and accessible to the public, for example, but that…
Contract Documents Won’t Be Posted on the Internet . . . Yet
The ongoing federal contracting transparency initiatives will not yet include the publication of actual contract documents on the internet. According to a Federal Register notice published on February 10, 2011 [pdf], that proposal has been withdrawn, at least for now.
Do federal contractor transparency initiatives conflict with FOIA caselaw?
Executive compensation disclosures. Opening FAPIIS to the public. While there are good arguments for both sides about the wisdom of these new contractor transparency initiatives, it is interesting to note that they seem to conflict with recent court decisions supporting contractor efforts to limit the public availability of their data.